Friday, October 31, 2014

Cold Call

         This one's getting a lot of play lately, specifically since I didn't have much to read. (Least of These hadn't made it in reprint yet.) I hadn't read it in awhile, but it was nice to relive it.
        My former professor asked me to send it so her poetry class could discuss it. Here it is for you.
        Oh, hey, I almost forgot. You can buy the ebook of Back in the Saddle here

Cold Call

I fell in love tonight
with the operator
on the other end of the

Going farther
than I’d ever been
trying every which way
back and forth
until we were satisfied.

But in the end
we knew it had to.

Giving all of ourselves
there was nothing left to give
other than a premature goodbye
as we disconnect

and hold on

for the next available representative.